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Everyone was watching through their fingers as a lad's card was declined on First Dates Ireland


FIRST DATES IRELAND has seen its fair share of awkward moments, but so far steered clear of everyone’s worst nightmare: having your card declined on a date. Until now.

tanyafirst Source: RTÉ Player

ronanfd Source: RTÉ Player

Computer programmer Tanya was set up with Ronan from Galway – he’s a self-proclaimed overthinker, while she reckons she’s a pretty ‘quirky, weird’ person.

The date got off to an awkward start when Tanya told rat-phobic Ronan about her pet ferrets, and Ronan asked if she wasn’t “concerned having these things in her house”.

Rule number one, Ronan! Don’t call someone’s pet, however strange and rodent-like, a thing!

ferret Source: RTÉ Player

Despite this, the pair found common ground in their sense of humour, and by the end of the date they were conspiring to steal one of the restaurant’s ‘plowls’ (plate-bowls).

Ronan stepped up to pay the bill after they finished eating – and as he handed his card over to Mateo, he joked:

cardsdeclined Source: RTÉ Player

Then, just two seconds later…

declined2 Source: RTÉ Player

ARGHHH. Everyone at home was immediately transported back to their own ‘That’s been declined’ nightmares:

carddates Source: Twitter/@BandEadd

Ronan produced another card (despite protestations from his date) and the second time was the charm.

Longest five seconds of my life.

Tanya, for her part, was not at all fazed – and the pair agreed to meet up again as friends – and introduce Ronan to the ferret. Sure what would First Dates be if there wasn’t a little awkwardness now and then?

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